Objective 1: To strengthen and renew the bonds between all stake holders in the overall socio-economic development of the State. This would be undertaken through different programmes and activities including integrated rural development, eradication of poverty, upliftment of weaker sections, provisions for Medicare, education, training, cultural, sports and recreational facilities and encouraging research & development for accelerated growth of the economy of the State.
Objective 4: To provide a forum for, and to facilitate a process of continuous communication and interaction between Non Resident Biharis and the State of Bihar and its various agencies.
Objective 7: To setup libraries, reference and information centers and systems, promotion centers and bodies, demonstrations and common service centers relevant to the objectives of the Foundation.
Objective 8: To publish literature and material in the form of papers, case studies, reports, brochures, pamphlets, periodicals, digests, journals, project profiles or magazines etc in print, electronic and any other suitable media and make these available to the prospective supporters, beneficiaries, other bodies & institutions and to assist other institutions engaged in such activities.
Objective 9: To establish, develop support centers for documentation, maintenance and supply of data, projects and information which may be useful to the Govt., beneficiaries, supporters, contributors and other stake holders.
Objective 10: To co-ordinate and facilitate the developmental and promotional activities of all institutions engaged in economic upliftment and social development in the State of Bihar.
Objective 2: To facilitate participation of Bihari Diaspora in the Development of the State of Bihar and welfare of its people.
Objective 3: To promote well being of Biharis living in different part of the country and the world.
Objective 5: To take all steps to accelerate human, social and economic development in Bihar.
Objective 6: To organize training, guidance and information for the benefit of all stake holders and beneficiaries.
Objective 11: To establish, maintain or manage offices, centres, counters, rest houses, conference halls wherever, required to further the cause of socio economic development of Bihar and welfare of its people.
Objective 12: To provide inputs and suggestions to the Govt. regarding policies and schemes designed for improving the Socio-Economic Development of the State and create such funds and endowments as necessary for these objectives.
Objective 13: To assess social infrastructure in the State and meet the gaps therein.
Objective 14: To raise or borrow money from time to time for any objectives of the Foundation with or without giving any security, goods or articles or by mortgaging or pleading charge, hypothecating or selling or receiving on the sale of any land, building, machinery, goods, assets or revenue of the Foundation present or future as the governing body may in its absolute discretion deem expedient with the approval of the State Government.
Objective 15: To do all such things as may be necessary, incidental or conducive to the attainment of all or any of the objectives of the Foundation.