Frequently asked Questions
What is Bihar Foundation
Bihar Foundation is the diaspora cell of the Govt. of Bihar. It was set up vide resolution no 4433, dated – 24th November 2006 of the Department of Industries, Govt. of Bihar. Presently it is nestled as a registered society in the Department of Industries, Govt. of Bihar.
What is the legal status of Bihar Foundation?
Bihar Foundation is a society registered under the Indian Societies Registration Act of 1860. Department of Industries, Govt. of Bihar is the administrative department of Bihar Foundation. It is a government organization.
Who is the controlling authority of Bihar Foundation?
Bihar Foundation is an autonomous body and is governed through its Memorandum of Association and Rules. The Chief Minister of Bihar is ex-officio Patron of Bihar Foundation. The Deputy Chief Minister-cum-Finance Minister of Bihar and Development Commissioner, Bihar are ex-officio Chairman and Member Secretary respectively of the Governing Body of Bihar Foundation. A senior government officer is appointed as the Chief Executive Officer of the Bihar Foundation for performing its day-to-day activities.
What are the objectives of Bihar Foundation?
Bihar Foundation is conceived with the idea to provide a platform to bind the Bihari diasporas spread outside the state amongst themselves as well as with their homeland. The objectives of Bihar Foundation can be summarized as 3 Bs, viz.,
Bonding - To build and strengthen network with the diaspora of Bihar primarily by forming chapters;
Branding - To bring out a positive and brighter image of Bihar; and
Business - To highlight the USPs of Bihar to position Bihar as a preferred destination for investment.
The detailed objectives can be seen as at -
What are the chapters of Bihar Foundation?
Bihar Foundation identifies active organisation/group of Bihar diasporas organisation/group residing anywhere in the world and accord them recognition as the chapter of Bihar Foundation by signing a Friendship Charter to further the objectives of Bihar Foundation for the mutual benefit of Bihar and Bihari Diaspora.
At present Bihar Foundation has 23 chapters across the world. Out of these 23 chapters, 13 are spread outside the country. These are Saudi Arabia, U.A.E., Qatar, Bahrain, Australia, Newzealand, Hongkong, Singapore, South Korea, USA (ETZ), USA (WTZ), Canada & Japan. 10 chapters are operating within the country. These are Mumbai, Kolkata, Chennai, Hyderabad, Pune, Varanasi, Nagpur, Surat, Goa, Siliguri.
Being a non-resident Bihari how can I join Bihar Foundation.
You can join Bihar Foundation by registering yourself as Non-resident member of Bihar Foundation. For registration, please visit our website - and follow the link – Non Resident Bihari Membership registration.
There is no chapter of Bihar Foundation in my city/state/country. How can I initiate the process of forming a chapter at my place.
You can send us an expression of Interest w.r.t to opening a chapter to detailing the diaspora strength along with the brief profile of your organization/group. Our team shall review your proposal and an independent observer may be sent to your place who will interact with various diasporas organization/groups working in your place. Based upon the feedback-report submitted by the observer and after completion of at least 50 diasporas registration from your place, a Friendship Charter may be signed with the locally elected Bihari diaspora to form a chapter of Bihar foundation.
What works are being done by Bihar Foundation or its chapters?
Some of the major works done by Bihar Foundation can be enumerated as below:-
Branding of Bihar through popular social media tools.
Publication of monthly journal with the name – eu esa fcgkj and daily positive news clipping with the name – lEizfr fcgkj
Development of short videos on various themes related to Bihar
Relief activities by means of its chapters (eg. food/ration/shelter were provided to poor diasporas stuck during the 1st phase of COVID lockdown during 28-03-2020-03-05-2020)
Relief activities by means of volunteers (eg. oxygen cylinders gathered from various donors were circulated free of cost among COVID patients of Bihar during second phase of COVID)
Relief activities by channelizing relief materials (seeking and obtaining relief items from various donors and handing over the same to Disaster Management Department, Bihar amid third phase of COVID)
Provide input to Government in policy making (eg. The suggestion of Bihar Jharkhand Association of North America of lowering GST rates on Crematory furnace from 18% to 5% was carried forward by Dy. Chief Minister, Bihar-cum-Chairman, Bihar Foundation, which was finally accepted by Hon’ble Finance Minister, Govt. of India)
Some of the major works done by chapters of Bihar Foundation can be enumerated as below:-
Provide relief to Bihari diasporas during distress by rescuing them from foreign countries, providing compensation to the kin of deceased etc.
Mumbai chapter of Bihar Foundation has been entrusted with the responsibility of facilitating patients from Bihar who go to Mumbai for cancer treatment in Tata Memorial Hospital.
Attract investment opportunities in Bihar
How can I contribute to the cause of Bihar Foundation?
You may contribute to the cause of Bihar Foundation by following ways:
Sharing and propagating positive and constructive news of Bihari diasporas with us.
Help attract investment proposals in Bihar
Donating fund, land, charitable items to Bihar via Bihar Foundation.
Donate relief items to Bihar Foundation [Bihar Foundation has been nominated as nodal office for the receipt of various types of relief materials coming from outside the state for disaster mitigation vide Bihar Gazette No- 1722 dated 02.07.2021]